* Before the session, give your massage therapist accurate health information and share your expectations.
* Your massage therapist will probably use oils, lotions or powders to decrease friction on your skin. If you have allergies, tell your massage therapist.
* Music might be played during your massage session. If you find music distracting, let your massage therapist know your preferences. The same goes for talking during your session.
* Report any discomfort you experience during the massage session, whether it’s physical or has something to do with the environment.
* Provide your massage therapist feedback during the massage concerning pressure and speed of hand movement, for example.
* Discuss any apprehensions you have about massage therapy with your massage therapist. Remember, your massage therapist is a professional who is dedicated to the profession.
* Remember, too, the therapeutic benefits of massage are cumulative, so the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond.
Source: Parts of this article were excerpted from mtj® (Massage Therapy Journal®) Spring 2010.